Welcome to the SEND page
We hope you find the information on this page of our website useful. There were some significant changes to SEND (Special, Educational, Needs and Disabilities) in 2014 as the new code of practice was released. We have all worked hard to become familiar with the new legislation and ensure that it has maximum impact for your child in school.
We hope you will find this information useful to find out how the new legislation will further support your child and yourself in making important decisions about their future.
The SEND Code of Practice
Download the special educational needs and disabilities guide for parents and carers by clicking here (updated 2015):
Parkside Primary Information Report
Here is a copy of the Parkside Primary Information Report which gives information about identification and assessment of children with SEN, roles and responsibilities of adults within school, policies, additional support provided, contact details, training for staff, parent consultation, complaints procedures and other important information you may need:
If you have any queries or questions about your child or our SEND practice in school please do not hesitate to call in and speak to myself or your child’s class teacher about any concerns.
Miss M Bradley (SENco)
SEND Contacts |
Miss M. Bradley - SENco |
Mrs S Ball - SEND Governor |