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Welcome to Our Website!

Welcome to Nursery!

Miss Craighan teaches in the Nursery.

What do we investigate in Nursery?

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage

A guide for parents.

40 things to do before you start full-time school

We have made a 'passport' of things for children to do or experience before they start school. Please see below for a copy to print out and fill in.

Support for parents and their children to be 'ready for school'

Home Start Goole offer support for families and is a free and confidential service. Please see their 'Big Hopes Big Future' leaflet regarding their programme to help parents and children to get ready for the important first steps of going to school or nursery.

Getting ready for Reception Year

The following leaflet explains the sort of things that the children should be working on throughout the nursery years in preparation for full time school in Reception.

Useful links to support learning at home

The Oxford Owl website has useful guidance for parents to help them to support their child with maths skills at home. Click on the link below to find out more. It’s never too early to explore numbers with your child. Real life often provides the best opportunities to develop early maths skills like counting and recognising numbers. 

Other useful websites:

Letterjoin - handwriting support
Cbeebies Numberblocks
Cbeebies Alphablocks 
BBC schools radio Nursery songs and rhymes
Phonics play 
Topmarks - maths games

Taking your child to an early years setting - information for parents

Click here for a leaflet from the Government.

What have we been doing?

We're going on a bear hunt!

The children in Nursery have been really excited to learn all about the story 'We're going on a bear hunt'. They have been learning actions to re-tell the story as part of talk for writing. On the creative table they really enjoyed decorating their own binoculars ready to embark on a bear hunt. The nursery children loved going on their very own bear hunt - they even shared some binoculars to keep an eye out for bears! In the classroom, they have been at the investigation station where they were able to use binoculars and magnifying glasses to look at the bear and re-tell the story independently! 

Wild Story Time!