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Here at Parkside, we are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Please help us by reading and complying with this guide.


For more information about safeguarding, please click here to visit the designated page.


  • All visitors, volunteers and contractors coming into school must sign in at Reception.

  • Visitors will be issued with a green or red badge that must be worn prominently so that staff and pupils can see that you are a visitor.

  • If your visit involves working independently with children you will be asked to produce a current DBS certificate along with your Photo ID.  You will be given a green visitors badge to indicate to staff members that this has been checked.

  • Alternatively, you will be given a red visitors badge and a member of staff will supervise your visit on site at all times during school hours.

  • Switch off your mobile phone/device and store it in your bag.

  • In the event you do need to use your mobile phone or camera enabled device, please do so in an area that is not accessed by the children, this includes corridors.  Such places could be in one of the offices or in the staff room.

  • Do not take pictures, videos or sound recordings of any pupils unless you have sought permission from the school.

  • If you are working with a child, please ensure that the class teacher is aware of this, where you are working and approximately how long for.

  • When working with a child ensure you are visible by others.

  • All visitors must sign out at Reception.



Child abuse can happen to any child regardless of elements such as gender, culture, religion, social background, ability or disability. If you feel that a child may be at risk of harm, then follow the 5R’s and inform one of our designated safeguarding officers immediately or alternatively a member of the school’s senior leadership team. They will offer advice and take appropriate action. A copy of the schools Safeguarding Policy is available via our website and a copy is located in the school staff room.

The 5 R’s of dealing with a disclosure


  • Listen actively, open body language, accept, non-judgemental, Do not ask leading questions or make judgements.


  • ‘You’ve done the right thing by coming to me’, re-assure the child that you have listened and hear what they are saying; clarify and check your concern, by using, for example “tell (T), explain (E), describe (D). Do not promise what can’t be delivered and do not promise secrecy.


  • Tell them what you are going to do next and do it. Ensure child is ok before leaving.


  • Complete a record of concern form containing vital information – facts, no opinions – when? Where? Who? What?


If in doubt, ask! Please do not leave our school without telling someone or doing something


  • Staff have the right, and are encouraged, to question anyone on the school premises who they do not recognise.
  • Visitors can expect to be treated with respect by our staff; in turn we ask that you be polite and respectful whilst on our premises. Anyone behaving in an aggressive or disrespectful manner will be asked to leave immediately.
  • If you are concerned about the conduct of a member of staff, following an observation or disclosure, please inform the Headteacher, Miss S O’Brien, or a member of our Senior Leadership Team.

Smoking & Vaping

  • We operate a no smoking/vaping policy at all times. Please do not smoke or vape anywhere on the school site,

Fire and Evacuation

  • The alarm is a continuous siren.
  • You must leave the building by the nearest exit.
  • The assembly points are the East and West playgrounds.
  • Please report to a member of the administration team to ensure you are recorded as present.
  • You may not re-enter the building until it is safe to do so.

First Aid

  • If you or a child require first aid assistance when in school please contact a member of staff immediately who will call for a member of staff who is qualified in first aid.

Health and Safety

  • As a visitor to our school it is essential that you follow any Health and Safety guidelines that may apply.
  • Contractors must ensure that they are fully conversant with the safety rules and regulations to be observed by contractors on site and have read and understood the information for visiting contractors and received a copy of the asbestos management checklist which are both available from reception.